Imagine.dll What is it? Imagine.dll is a dynamic link library that gives your 16 bit Delphi application the ability to read gif, jpg, mac, pcx, tga, and wpg files. It accomplishes this by converting these files to comparable bitmap files. Formats that support true color images (bmp, jpg, pcx, tga) can also be optionally reduced to 256 colors, allowing users without true color video boards to view these files. Will it work with Delphi 2? Don't know yet. Imagine.dll is a standard 16 bit dll that "should" work with Delphi2, Visual Basic, C, C++, etc., but hasn't been tested with these languages. Why imagine.dll? Imagine.dll was conceived as a way to allow programmers to add image handling to their applications without the overhead and cost of more elaborate and expensive image libraries. If you have ever been overwhelmed by the coding required by some of these libraries, or frustrated by their inability to handle certain esoteric image subtypes (such as progressive jpegs, multi-image gifs, or reversed 32-bit targas), then imagine.dll may be for you. The source used for the format conversion has already been used successfully in a wide variety of applications. How do I use it? Just add the image.pas file to your project, make sure imagine.dll is in your path, and with one line you're done. output := ConvertImage(Callback, Dither, FileIn, FileOut); The parameters are: Callback: The function to receive progress information from the dll Dither: Do you want the colors reduced? (0 = no, 1 = yes, 2 = yes ((concerns only jpeg processing - produces high quality bitmaps)) FileIn: The file to be converted FileOut: The bitmap output file The function returns 0 for success or an error for what went wrong. How do I register? Registration is only available on Compuserve (GO SWREG, I.D. 10432) for $35. Registered users will receive a non-beeping dll, the code for the shadowed about box used in imagine.exe, and where to find the sources used for the .dll. Michael Pepperell June, 1996